Solar energy is the energy that is produced by the sun by converting heat and light through solar system, by inverter equipment the energy transforming into alternating current which is suitable for every equipment using electricity. This green energy which supplies infinitely and bring high effective in cost for households and enterprises. The Government has enacted many incentives and open policies to facilitate solar power development and encourage residents, enterprise to actively invest in solar power project to exploit the potential of energy sources. The sun is abundant with a heat radiation approximately 2.056kW/m2 which spread from central region to Mekong Delta (according to a report by the World Bank – WB)

With the advantage and approach to sustainable development, since 2019, Phan Vu starting install solar panel on roof of building to serve manufacturing and common activities at those factories own by the Corp. The first two factories were installed is Phan Vũ Long An (PVLA) – the largest manufacturing factory in Vietnam and Phan Vũ Hạ Tầng (PVHT) – which specialize in produce pre-cast infrastructure segment, both factories are located in Long An province. At the moment, Phan Vu is fully “green cover” for both and use solar energy – green energy to operate in manufacturing and common use, both contribute a part in power grid from the capacity of green energy resources of Phan Vu factories.

Upcoming time, Phan Vũ continuously develop and “green covered” the other factories. Through that, we are ensuring all factories are operating by renewable energy, solar energy help to reduce cost of electricity consumption and more eco-friendly with environment. This is a motto in action of Phan Vu to aim a sustainable develop. Aside other targets such as improve in manufacturing technology, construction, priority apply application that less usage of material and waste to the environment.

Phan Vũ "phủ xanh" pin năng lượng mặt trời tại các nhà máy